Eliminate your skin discoloration and uneven skin tone with our innovative Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) system. The IPL photofacial is a  method of photo rejuvenation that improves your skin’s texture, tone and appearance. A series of IPL photofacial treatments will diminish flushing or redness of the skin associated with Rosacea, reduce hyperpigmentation caused by sun damage and age, erase broken capillaries, and smooth roughly textured skin*. IPL therapy also stimulates new collagen to form, thereby reducing fine lines, minimizing pore size and mild acne scarring, and increasing skin elasticity*.

There is absolutely no down time following an IPL laser treatment, so you can enjoy your daily activities*. During your IPL series, you will notice imperfections fade away as a more radiant, healthier and clearer complexion appears*.

Frequently asked questions about IPL Photofacial Therapy

Pre & Post Treatment Instructions

Before IPL Photofacial Treatment

  • Avoid use of Accutane for 6-9 months prior to treatment.
  • Avoid tanning treatment area including tanning beds, spray tan and the sun for a minimum of six weeks.
  • Stop use of exfoliants (including Renova, Glycolic Acid) on treatment area one week before treatment.
  • Shave area closely before every treatment.
  • Avoid makeup on an area to be treated.
  • You may not proceed with this treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • If you have a history of oral herpes, you must pre-treat with an anti-viral three days before your scheduled visit.
  • Dermal fillers or other injectables should not be done within 2 weeks before treatment.
  • Avoid chemical or mechanical irritants 1 week prior to treatment. IPL photofacial treatment Seattle.

After IPL Photofacial Treatment

  • You may have transient redness, swelling, itching and burning for a few minutes up to 48 hours*. You may apply aloe vera or cold compress.
  • Avoid direct sunlight. Use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.
  • Do not apply makeup until redness has subsided.
  • Avoid hot showers for 24 hours. Use cool water and gentle cleansers for 48 hours.
  • Small scabs may develop over areas of pigmentation 24-48 hours following your treatment*. Keep areas well moisturized and allow them to fall off on their own. This is an expected occurrence with IPL.
  • Avoid use of exfoliants for one week after your treatment.
  • Avoid microdermabrasion and acid peels one week after your treatment.
  • Avoid chemical or mechanical irritants 1 week after treatment. IPL photofacial treatment Seattle.

Frequently asked questions about IPL Photofacial Therapy